December 2021                                September 2021


It's been years since I last made a post on my blog.

Life happens sometimes and we always have to remember who we are so people and things don't tell us who we are.

I have been on a self-cleansing journey unknowingly, for the past few years and one major aspect in my life that was crying for help was my skin.


August 2021

   September 2021


How I started Bleaching my body 

Growing up, particularly when I turned 18, I started dealing with minor acne and `noticed my face was darker than the rest of my skin...Then my search for a solution began.

The Craziness- The products I used

I started with a tube called 'skinneal' on my face...It worked! I had baby skin in less than a week y'all! 

Well, the only downside was that anytime I  was in the sun, my skin heats up like I was in an oven and whenever I stopped using the cream, my skin would reverse in less than three days. Then, I knew I needed a different product; A more lasting solution …

I moved to 'fashion fair tube cream' …Oh boy, this one really worked! 

In 2 days I saw results 

Then I thought "…Hmm, my body is now darker than my face". 

At the time, I stopped using Vaseline all over my body and moved to Fair&white lotion- The pink bottle and the pink fair&white soap...

I used this for a long time and the craving to match my skin with my face as it got fairer, increased. 

I started mixing the Fashion fair tube cream with my Fair&white body lotion...This combo gave me the look I wanted! I was GLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!

I used this combination from 2009 to 2021, February … and I wanted more GLOW...

I met a lady whose GLOW was exceptional and I asked her for the name of the products she uses and she said Blemviv … 

This combination cost about 70,000 naira ...I moved from bleaching with 15,000 naira quarterly to 70,000 naira monthly...

This was the beginning of my skin problems...

How the change happened!

December 2021

I fell in love with a different kind of guy in early 2021, known him for over 5 years ... He started making me see myself beyond my skin and that I didn't need the  'Glow'  to be beautiful...

Thank God I listened!

That was the beginning of my change and personal relationship with myself.

I realised that I had been a slave to bleaching cream for over a decade! I sought validation from others and my mirror... and from products...

I stopped being a slave and accepted myself for the first time in a long while.
It started with a simple decision...
I threw away all my body bleaching products from my face, to my skin.


My Experience

Years of bleaching would not just go away immediately, but one thing I sure lost in days was the 'Glow'...
This time, I didn't care anymore!

I stopped bleaching and and focused on caring for my skin. I bought a very good moisturiser .

However,I  started experiencing some skin  changes...Both positive and negative...

The Positives

  1. Dark Knuckles vanished!
  2. I fell in-love with my fingers and feet again
  3. My money was saved...Loads of it!
  4. I now choose when to apply body cream without any guilt
  5. My skin is now even
  6. Skin infections have healed!
  7. I'm more confident , because I don't have to explain to anyone why I am lighter than my siblings...Lol
  8. My face does not turn red whenever I laugh...Lol
  9. My face now looks like skin and not raw red skin.

    The Negatives/ Side effects

  1. My skin now itches after taking a shower...This was intense initially ...It was  really bad , I was depressed and almost went back to my addiction.
  2. My skin is now dry really dry ...I am still searching for a good moisturiser though.
  3. I still struggle with the fact that I don't have the 'Glow' anymore.
  4. Sometimes, don't feel beautiful ...I knew it will take a while adjusting to my new look, but I am struggling... 
  5. I had to change my makeup ....I mean, the change is obvious... and my face loves ONLY MAC ! Ladies , you understand ...

My journey to self has been an amazing one, I struggle and pick myself back up again ...It feels lonely sometimes, because a lot of people won't understand. The mental struggle though ...

Overall, I am happy about my decision...

But people are not helping though...
But that's gist for another day ...

Thanks for reading  my story, and I hope I have inspired someone who is  still  addicted to body bleaching  to take the leap and SAY NO TO BLEACHING!


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